ביופידבק קוונטי - Dr. Sıla Özdemir

                                                 HUMAN ADDİCT

Among the main reasons; lack of communication within the family, lack of full disclosure of emotions, lack of communication on emotional level, lack of right of choice for individuals, and impulsiveness or overprotection. There is no communication in the family, people do not hear each other, do not listen. There is a constructive structure. In addition to this, a model of loving love, a mother / father model that decides what to eat and what to do in the name of the child is often seen. All of this makes it difficult for a person to decide in the future as an individual, preventing the self-confidence mechanism from developing.
An individual who is addicted to human beings does not like himself, is not self-confident, has emotional hunger, he will want to fill this emotional gap with non-healthy, distructive relationships, either use substance or be addicted to eating, the most common addiction in human addicts. Such personality is always unsatisfied and constantly complains that this person is always a man who lives his life instead of his own life, does not spare time for himself, takes his vital responsibilities and takes his place in his behalf and makes all these in the name of love. is a structure that deserves to do by doing something loving, who can forget his / her own self for love, and is able to assume the personality of the person he / she likes .The investigations are over-authoritarian with maternal- s shows that had a great impact on the formation. These two approaches to shape people's will can not act on its own, provide in order to maintain the relationship between that and the people he needs others to protect the formation of the belief that one should always comply with the expectations and demands of the people's wishes.
It is based on controlling and living the lives of human dependents. They are basically self-insecure or feel strongly about trying to save someone else whom they see powerless because they are not at peace with themselves or because they have difficulty in being alone.
Despite their pain and suffering, they are actually in a position to govern a relative relationship. Even their inability can be a means of governance. Unwittingly they prepare the ground for the bad behavior of the other person, and then they may say they are in trouble.
People often take their own needs in the background, become too busy with the needs of others, and concede themselves at an extreme level. Thus, the person can not hear the inner voice or face with self, is disconnected from the self, has moved away from himself.
 They are in need of constant acceptance. They become victims in case of any debate and feel guilty in rare cases where they can show courage to defend themselves. Controlling behaviors, insecurity, perfectionism, avoidance of self-esteem, problems of rapprochement, caring, hypersensitivity, state of alertness and physical ailments that are said to be constantly expressed and stressed are the most basic symptoms of human dependence.

Human dependence is a learned behavior and is often used as a method of coming from the family and coping with life. But as an adult today you can choose to leave this inappropriate and absolutely unsuccessful way of managing relationships, it is impossible for us to control others' thoughts and behaviors, but we can control our own thoughts and behaviors. Do not always live in the past or in the future. When we think of the past we feel regret and shame, when we think of the future we feel desire or fear. But all these feelings come out of the present time and affect this moment. This effect often does not allow us to be happy or feel the saturation. We must learn to confront all these feelings. The most important thing we should ever forget is that you will come to the past in the future. If we concentrate on our past, we can transform the past and the future.

Recovery through a quantum biological feedback system is a process involving the adaptation of a person to certain vibrations, or the introduction or transmission of certain frequencies to the body, by taking the human on both the physical plane and the mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. The system is used to initiate and continue to change positively in many different aspects of an individual's life. This method improves the general health situation and balances life energy. Human is a complex composed of basic structures of soul, body and mind. People's restrictive beliefs and thoughts prevent this energy from using it for its own development, creating a happier, balanced, healthy life. Each bounding belief and thought pattern actually affects our energy-generating body. Negative emotions and beliefs such as fear, anxiety, panic, anger, guilt, worthlessness, and lack of love disrupt the health of your soul.NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programming) provides the definition of the inner world of the person, subconscious thought patterns and core beliefs that are not aware are detected and corrected, subconscious traumas are cleared, and all blockacges tnansducion of ancestral and familial patterns and energy imbalances at all energetic fields are corrected. the patterns are stimulated with frequencies, and awareness is increased and healthy choices are made so that one is happy in his / her life. In addition, the quantum biological feedback system is the most effective method for healthy personal and spiritual development.

Holistic doctor, Addiction Counselor, Quantum  Biofeedback System practitioner



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DR. SILA ÖZDEMİR - ביופידבק קוונטי